News and musings from a dedicated supporter of Senator Russ Feingold in Centre County, PA. Please note that this blog is NOT in any way affiliated with Senator Feingold, his staff or the Progressive Patriots Fund. The opinions expressed are strictly my own!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

I haven't figured out how to put permanent links on my blog yet, but here's a link to a very good Russblog that I just found:

In his most recent post, Dan K. has a transcript of the last couple paragraphs of Senator Feingolds remarks, which I will reproduce here, because they make a point that Democrats have not had the insight to make:

"And so to conclude, I would urge you, as you go out this year and do all the wonderful things you're going to do in the various venues that you work in, to make the point to people that you care as passionately as anyone about the tragedy of 9/11, you care as passionately as anyone about protecting our kids, that you have your memories of what happened on 9/11 and how it made you feel about your future and your kids' future and your grandchildren's' future."

"But as you say that and as you share your own memories with people, make it clear that there is no greater victory for these terrorists than if they can get us out of fear to alter our great system of government. They would have no greater victory than to be able to do that to us. (Applause.) Make the argument -- make the argument based on the fact that the American people want to be focused on making sure that we're not attacked again. They do not want to fear that their own government is doing something inappropriate to them. That's a distraction that makes it harder for us to do this." - Senator Russ Feingold, at the Take Back America Conference in Washington, D.C., June 14, 2006.

After the speech, I shook hands with Senator Feingold, and in the nanosecond I had to speak to him said, "Please Run for President!" They were simple words, deeply felt.

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